OFFICIAL RESULTS


Thanks for a fun contest - where was everybody on 15 CW ?  NF9V and K9EAM had great sigs on
SSB, but no CW ? TNX also to WI9WI who obviously was a "rover" !  Score would have been better
except for the Mexican LSB covering 7.045 to 7.060 - made it difficult to pull out stations during the
last hour on 40.  Look forward to next one - W1HIJ

Good contest, but not as active as last year.  We need more CW ops out there - AE2N

Had fun again this year.  Most activity seemed to be on CW ( OK by me ! ).  Keep the short format -

Congrats to all the mobiles this year for another great effort!  Activity seemed to be way up from last
year.  I hope this trend continues!  I'll be looking forward to the '98 WQP - KB3AFT

I like the 7 hour schedule - tell Jeff, W9MSE, he lives in WISC and WX is NOT supposed to be good
for contests - W3DYA

Although I only operated a few hours, I had fun.  I thought the level of activity was good for a state
QSO party. In my limited time I heard a few more counties but these were from others answering others
and not calling CQ.  Please encourage participants to call CQ Contest every so often - WA3EOP
The "sprint-like" WQP Contest continues to be a lot of fun.  Hats off to KF9SJ/M who delivered so
many counties.  See you next year - K3GGN

What a blast!  Keep up the great work - WA3HAE

From the limited time I spent on the party it seemed to be well attended this year. Keep the faith -
I listened for WI stations on 20 meters but I found the skip too long to make any WI contacts.  Had to
use 40 and 80 - KD3JA

Its good to see another state enjoying a good QSO party.  Join the PA QSO Party in October - W3NGO

Thanks for the great contest.  I really enjoyed it - KX3V

Once again the WI QSO Party is top notch.  I don't know how you get so many hams to be active on
CW in a state QSO Party, but whatever it is, keep doing it.  It's a CW ONLY contesters delight.  89
QSOs and 34 counties were personal best totals for me.  Not too bad for "pure" QRP CW only -

Enjoyed the QSO party - K4ADI

Third time I've entered this QSO party.  Higher score each time.  Conditions were good with strong
signals down our way.  There seemed to be more mobiles operating CW this year - Great!  Would
suggest possibly next year setting up designated frequencies for mobiles, so they don't have to
compete with the "power house" fixed stations - K4UK

Thanks for sponsoring a fun event.  I had a great time listening for folks in Wisconsin while I was
building bookshelves in my basement - N4UY

Thanks for the nice party, really enjoyed it.  Was running an IC-728 at 100 W on a 40 meter ground
mounted vertical and an 80M extended zepp - KQ4VH

Nice contest. Wisconsin only open on 40 and 80 to Mississippi - WB2JAF/5

Good party.  Special thanks to the mobiles - K5ME

GREAT!! QSO party.  My goal was to better last year's score - I did it - WA5TPI

I could only contact one station on 40 meters.  I could hear them but they could not hear me.  I enjoy
the club newsletter too - KE6GTR

Thanks for nice short QSO Party!  Didn't know there would be so much activity.  Hopefully will see you
again next year - KK7K

Fine state QSO party again this year.  I got the antennas up just in time.  Nice to hear the WI stations
in there - NG7M

Hats off to the rovers!  Mobile stations added 13 counties I wouldn't have otherwise worked to my
multiplier total - AF8A

Fun ! -  K8CV

I had a great time.  For the first time I actually was single op. Murphy must have found someone else
to ride with.  See you all next year - K8NB/mobile 9 in WI

As usual I enjoyed the WI QSO Party.  Regret that some counties were not on.  Next year I hope ALL
the counties are on.  All operators I heard were courteous and a joy to work.  See you next year -

The party was a lot of fun and I worked several counties needed for USA-CA500.  I really appreciate
the Badger State Smoke Signal copy both before and after the contest.  Thank you very much and see
you next year - WA9ENA

The N9EZ mobile got off to a rocky start.  High winds and rain caused some damage to the 40 meter
antenna.  A quick stop for repairs at the wayside and we were only 20 minutes from our intended
starting point.  Thanks to all that rode along with us through 19 counties.  It is great to hear so many
stations on the air for this contest.  Hope to see all of you next year - N9EZ mobile 

Not much time for me to operate this year - too many other things that had higher priority - K9FHI

The event was a great time, even if my QSO count was down - N9HR

My thanks to the West Allis RAC for bringing this super event again this year - K9IA

This contest was a lot of fun - thanks a lot guys - KG9IF ( W8YY team member )

Great fun and beat my last years score.  73 till '98 - K9OSH

Thanks again for the great contest.  As always, had a great time.  See you next year - AA9PB
I just experienced my first Wisconsin QSO Party and I am left speechless!!  It was so much fun. I had
the honor of being a member of the W9IEI mobile team this year.  It was a very exciting 7 hours. 
Thanks again for a fascinating event - KB9PCW

I made many mistakes in the contest, even with WE9R's great equipment and antennas.  If I could offer
one word of advice to anyone who hopes to enter the WIQP, it is this - "multipliers."  Thanks again to
Lyle and Penny for the use of their station.  I hope one of these years we can do the multi-multi effort
we originally planned - AA9RB ( guest op WE9R )

Didn't make many contacts, but really enjoyed the ones I did make.  Thanks very much - AA9UC

As always WQP 97 was a lot of fun.  Conditions on 75 were good as a contact to a mobile just north
of Macon, GA will show.  VHF was a bit weaker, but not bad.  Overall WQP 97 promoted "radio
activity" and the fellowship that is intended in amateur radio - N9WHR

Made sure the neighbors phone was RFI proofed the week before.  Didn't want any interruptions! 
Possibly my best total ever of Wisconsin counties worked.  Thanks to all who got on from the rare ones
- W9XT

One week old G5RV and bad power supply.  Cud hear 'em but tough working 'em - K9YLI

It was a terrific amount of fun for me.  I came back to the hobby a couple of years ago after a brief 30
year hiatus and this was my first QSO party - K9ZZE

I really enjoyed operating this contest and all the Wisconsin operators were friendly and a real pleasure
to work.  See you all next year - N0HD

Had a lot of fun!  You guys put on one of the best!  See you next year - N0JVR

Many thanks for a well run QSO party.  You had very good participation on your end - K0OAL

I really like the short 7 hour format as it doesn't take up the entire weekend.  It was really a lot of fun
working the mobiles in several counties - AE0Y

Great activity from WISC!  My best score ever - VA3TEE

Really enjoyed the short time that I had to work the contest.  Hopefully next year I can spend the whole
time period and maybe the bands will improve by that time.  Also, thanks to your club for sponsoring
the QSO party.  We all appreciate it.  Keep up the good work - VE5BF


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