2001 WISCONSIN QSO PARTY SCORE SUMMARY SHEET Name__________________________________________________Call___________________ Address______________________________________________________________________ City______________________________State/Province________________Zip _________ Home WI County _____________________Club Affiliation_________________________ ENTRY CLASS: __Single Op Fixed __Multi Op Fixed __Multi-Multi Fixed __Single Op Mobile __Multi Op Mobile __Multi-Multi Mobile __Single Op Novice __Multi Op Tech __Single Op Tech POWER LEVEL: __HIGH __LOW __QRP WI Counties Worked From______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT POINTS: CW QSOs __________ x 2 = __________ CW Points Phone QSOs __________ x 1 = __________ Phone Points Sum of CW + Phone Points = __________ Contact Points POWER: (Choose only one power category.) HIGH (over 150 watts) CW + phone points x l.0 = __________ LOW (5 watts to 150 watts) CW + phone points x 1.5 = __________ QRP (less than 5 watts) CW + Phone Points x 2.0 = __________ TOTAL CONTACT POINTS = __________ MULTIPLIERS: Wis. Counties (Max. 72) __________ States (Max. 50) __________ Provinces (Max. 13) __________ TOTAL MULTIPLIERS = __________ SCORING: Contact Points x Multipliers = __________ Points Bonus Points = __________ Points FINAL SCORE = __________ Points I have read and followed the 2001 WISCONSIN QSO PARTY RULES. (All OPERATORS must sign - CLEARLY READABLE with callsign) Signature(s)_________________________________________________________________ Date __________________________________ All entries must be sent to 2001 WISCONSIN QSO PARTY, WEST ALLIS RADIO AMATEUR CLUB, P. O. BOX 1072, MILWAUKEE, WI 53201, postmarked no later than April 11, 2001. The Wisconsin QSO Party Rules Committee may disqualify late entries and/or those entries with QSO Party Rules violations. Results will be available in approximately mid-June on the internet at www.warac.org -OR- by submitting an SASE with entry.