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Great fun, see you in '03 - W1END
Great time. Missed start, so lost out on 15 meters. Thanks to all the mobiles. Like the short format. First time in 3 years that I missed 400 QSO's. C U next year - W2UDT
Thanks for doing this and also for all the mobile activity. Started WIQP hopeful on 15 meters with 2 new counties. After 45 minutes my rig became silent. Could not do anything so switched to my old Omni B but had trouble with that too. Went back to Omni 6 after an hour ( to allow for cool down ) but after another 1/2 hour it became silent again. Did manage to make some contacts but limited myself to looking for new ones. Too bad I had problems as there was so much activity - PA3ARM
Another fine QSO party. This year I decided to operate a low power entry with my new TS 570G. I did exceed my QRP score of last year, but missed out on a couple of multipliers. Seems like I work them quicker with the 100 watts. All in all, it was fun. Working the mobile stations is what makes this event fun for me. The mobiles did an outstanding job. They really make it interesting. Hats off to the following mobiles - W9HB, N9KS, W9MSE and K5OT. These "big" signals were consistently pounding in. Great job everyone - W3BBO
Good fun - bad conditions - VA3IX
Picked up 2 new counties so it was a worth while effort. Always enjoy your QP - VE3WZ
Prefer no power multiplier as some cannot be trusted. One of my favorite contests - NO4S (op K9OM)
My designated driver and XYL ( K5OTX ) couldn't make the trip, so I did it 'solo' during my first WIQP as a new resident of Wisconsin. This has to be one of the best QSO parties around - K5OT
Fun chasing the mobiles. Surprised there wasn't more activity - K5ZD
Good job by the mobiles - AD8J
Managed to find a few WI stations. W0AIH worked most often, seems to have been multi-op - KJ9C
The high level of constant activity was very enjoyable. Never bored. The duration is tolerable for the casual contest operator and this increases everyone's involvement. Lots of fun. See you next year. Thanks to WARAC for getting the word out - W9HB/M
Always a fun contest! Good to meet all my friends and meet some new ones. I was in Green Lake County again this year and did not hear another GRL. Count was down this year.Hope next year produces more. Thanks for the Q's - KB9KEG
Thanks for a nice contest. I worked single op fixed this year instead of mobile, and did much better than expected. Good conditions for WIQP. Hopefully Grant County should not be rare this year - N9KQ
Another great contest - N9KS team
Thanks again for sponsoring what surely has to be one of the premier state QSO parties in the country. I am really struck by how quickly you get the results posted on the WARAC website. This contest is just about perfect in every way. The seven hours is one of the most intense and enjoyable period of time I've ever spent on the radio. The word must be out.. lots of non-Wisconsin stations participate each year. Please listen for Bob, K9DAF, in the 2003 contest. A regular mobile rover in WIQP, Bob was hospitalized this year with a serious illness- N9NE
Fun time chasing my Wisconsin friends around on the bands. Thanks for all the QSO's! - K9NW
Did multi-multi from one acre lot, chased "murphy" all day, but had a ball. What a fun contest as always - AA9PB
Great contest as always - best of all the states. 40M was the work horse band - WA9TZE
For the past 10 years I've been running this one mobile, putting on anywhere from 2 to 5 of the rarer northern counties. I was going to start in Sawyer, then go to Price and Rusk. With the zero degree cold, and icy roads, I decided to start as a fixed/portable station from the cabin in Sawyer County, indoors, and if conditions were good, do the whole thing from there. Things went well until 19:45, when- - - POWER FAILURE. When I operated mobile I used an RV battery, so I hooked it up and continued. After about 30 minutes, the battery goes soft. I decide that if power does not return in an hour, I would go mobile. It didn't, so I pack up and head to Price and then after an hour I head to Rusk. Then back to Madison. I think folks should spend more time on CW. A lot of the rarer counties are only available on CW, mostly by mobile stations. Thanks for all the QSO's and see you next year - WI9WI
This was my first WQP, and a lot of fun. First time also to run stations instead of just S & P. Had some problems right at beginning with computer but got that working after about 20 minutes. Had S9+10 electrical noise on 40 meters for first few hours, so didn't do as well there. Heil Proset really worked well, as my station continues to improve. See everyone again next year - AI9X
Very disappointed that the flu and 30 inches of new snow caused me to abandon my 3rd FD type setup in Douglas County. Had new antennas ready -- so watch out for next year - N0IJ
Once again a great QSO party.I had Murphy hit this year. I had intended to operate mostly CW. Once I got to my operating site in Burnette County, I found the keying interface did not work. I also forgot to put a PL259 on the end of the 10 meter dipole. The roads were not plowed, so I had to carry all the gear about a 1/4 mile to the operating site. Just as last year, I had an operating position out of the wind, but unheated. Fingers got very numb towards the end of the contest. Next year I plan on installing antennas in the fall - WA0MHJ/9
Only had 2 hours to operate this year, but the event still fun as always. Would have missed Barron County if it weren't for the VHF bands. Thanks again - KF0Q
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