.W.A.R.A.C. West Allis Radio Amateur Club
A Non-Profit Educational Organization

Wisconsin QSO Party
Cabrillo Format
Entry Form (pdf)
Multiplier List
County Map

OBJECTIVE Stations anywhere contact Wisconsin stations for points. Wisconsin stations contact stations anywhere for points. Everybody has fun!
DATE/TIME March 9, 2025 from 1800Z to 0100Z March 10
(1:00PM CDT to 8:00PM CDT on March 9)
Note: First day of Daylight Saving Time!
MODES CW, Phone and Digital (RTTY, PSK, Olivia, Feld-Hell). FT8/FT4 QSO's are not accepted. All stations may be worked once per mode on each band. Cannot work the same station on more than one Digital mode on the same band.
Mobiles and portables may be worked once per mode per Wisconsin county that they operate from. Mobiles or portables may not sit on a county line. Drivers may navigate and drive – any other assistance must be considered multi-op.
SPOTTING Spotting may be used. Self-spotting is allowed.
Stations operated remotely will be considered pre-existing Portables (not eligible for Bonus points). The transmitter location must be given as the sent exchange.
  • Single Operator Fixed (SOF)
  • Single Operator Mobile (SOM)
  • Single Operator Rookie (SOR)
  • Multi Operator Fixed (MOF)
  • Multi Operator Mobile (MOM)
  • Multi Xmtr/Multi Op Fixed (MMF)
  • Multi Xmtr/Multi Op Mobile (MMM)

ROOKIE The rules for the Rookie category are:
  • No previous WIQP entry other than in the Rookie category
  • May enter this category no more than twice and entries must be in two consecutive years
  • Entries may be single operator only
To indicate this category on your log submission, please select Novice or Rookie on your entry form or logging program.
Wisconsin stations send County.
Non-Wisconsin stations send State or Province or Country.
BANDS All amateur bands and modes not prohibited for contesting may be used. No Repeater QSO's.
Suggested frequencies
CW: 1.820, 3.550, 7.050, 14.050, 21.050, 28.050
Phone: 1.870, 3.860, 7.230, 14.260, 21.350, 28.400
VHF: 6 meters 50.140(SSB), 52.530(FM)
2 meters 146.550
1.25 meters 223.520
70 cm 446.025
Please do not use the National Calling Frequencies:
     52.525, 146.52, 223.50, 446.00, 906.50, 1294.50
QRP less than 5 watts Power Mult = 2
Low 5 to 100 watts Power Mult = 1.5
High over 100 watts Power Mult = 1
MULTIPLIERS Wisconsin Stations: The sum of Wisconsin counties (max. 72), plus US states (max. 50) plus Canadian provinces (max. 13) worked. Wisconsin may be counted as a state multiplier. DX countries worked count for QSO points but not as multipliers.

Non-Wisconsin Stations: The number of Wisconsin counties worked (max.72). Only Wisconsin stations may be worked.
BONUSES Wisconsin Mobiles/Portables: Add 500 bonus points for each county that you operate from outside your home county. A minimum of 12 QSO’s per county is required to qualify. Portable stations must be set up for WIQP; pre-existing station locations cannot be considered portables.

W9FK: Add 100 points for each time you work W9FK on each band and mode below 50Mhz. (W9FK is the West Allis Club callsign).
SCORING Phone contacts count 1 point; CW and Digital contacts count 2 points.
  1. Add CW, Phone and Digital points.
  2. Then multiply by Power Level multiplier.
  3. Then multiply by your multiplier count under MULTIPLIERS.
  4. Finally, add your bonus points.
LOG SUBMISSION Electronic logs are preferred - please submit your log in electronic format if at all possible. Printed computer logs will not be accepted. If your log is in a computer, please send it to us electronically.
Handwritten logs will be accepted if they are 50 QSO's or less and are complete. To be complete, a log must contain the header information (see Entry Form) plus QSO data that includes time (UTC), call, band, mode, sent and received exchanges. Paper logs must be accompanied by an Entry Form. And, should you need it, here's in-depth information on our Cabrillo Log Format.
No log changes will be accepted after the submission deadline. Decisions of the WIQP committee are final.
Email to wiqp-logs@warac.org

Regular mail to:
     Wisconsin QSO Party
     West Allis Radio Amateur Club
     PO Box 511381
     New Berlin, WI 53151

We want your Log!
Logs due March 23

AWARDS Plaques will be awarded to the:
  • Highest Single Operator Fixed (SOF) score in Wisconsin
  • Highest Single Transmitter Mobile (SOM and MOM) score in Wisconsin
  • Highest Single Operator QRP score in Wisconsin
  • Highest Single Operator QRP score outside Wisconsin
  • Highest single operator score in the QSO Party outside Wisconsin
  • Highest Single Operator Phone-only mode in Wisconsin
  • Highest Single Operator VHF score in Wisconsin (50Mhz and above). Will not be awarded if top score is less than 500 points.
  • Highest DX station score (outside the US and Canada) where:
       > there are at least 5 DX entries -or-
       > the top DX score is higher than 25th place in the Outside WI listing
  • Highest aggregate club score (club member stations to be located within 50 miles of the club, except for mobiles and portables). This award is for Wisconsin-based clubs only. Also, stations in MMF category may not be included in a club aggregate.

Certificates will be presented to the:
  • 10 highest single operator scores in each entry category
  • 5 highest multi-operator scores in each entry category
  • 5 highest single operator scores in QRP and VHF categories
  • Highest single operator score in each single operator category in each state/province
  • All Rookie (SOR) category entries
        © 1990-2025 WARAC, Inc.